In today’s age, many women continue to balance their professional life along with domestic responsibilities. Feminine hygiene is one such necessity often neglected while keeping up with their busy lifestyle. Many females are still shy to talk about their personal care regime. A poor personal hygiene can be one of the reasons behind skin infections and stomach problems. That’s why personal hygiene should be on top to keep yourself healthy. Genital organs are an intimate region. It plays an essential role in female’s health, and its hygiene helps to safeguard these body parts. Not only adult females but also teens should know the importance of personal hygiene. It is essential to know about it from the beginning of their menses. Menstruation may lead to the growth of bacteria in their genitalia if they do not clean properly. Personal hygiene is also essential to stay healthy by avoiding vaginal problems like – abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal dryness, unnatural odor, vaginal infections, and long-term fatal diseases, including cervical or ovarian cancer.